2021 Black Liberation Grant Award Honorees

For 2021 the Philadelphia Black Giving Circle and Network (PBGCN), elevated organizations seeking to uplift Black communities, highlight liberatory practices and Black joy through the Black Liberation Grant Fund. PBGC outlined the following criteria for this fund, organizations that 1. Developed or supported programming focused on healing, reconciliation or narrative work about Black communities as told by Black communities; 2. Historically partnered with Black-led, Black-serving organizations and/or; 3. Supported or celebrated the diversity within the Black community. We are pleased to announce 4 grantees for this Fund, totaling $80,000. Each organization received a $20,000 general operating support and given the opportunity to share more about their work.

Learn more about the honorees!


amistad law project

Amistad Law Project is a public interest law firm and organizing project working to end mass incarceration in Pennsylvania. Founded in October 2014, Amistad Law Project works to abolish death by incarceration and long term sentences, create alternatives to policing and get our communities the material resources and political power they need to thrive. ALP was founded by Black feminists that believes in building powerful multi-racial alliances against systemic oppression. 

Website: www.amistadlaw.org

as i plant this seed

As I Plant This Seed seeks to promote youth development and community advancement; to provide access to education, information and training; to provide relief to the distressed and underprivileged; to lessen neighborhood tension; to mitigate trauma and combat community deterioration, juvenile delinquency and at-risk behaviors in the urban context.

WEBSITE: www.asiplantthisseed.com/

ECO FOundation

The ECO Foundation creatively educates people through art and entertainment while connecting them with opportunities to better themselves and their communities. ECO is building a world where people love themselves, and use their purpose to make it a better place.

Website: www.ecofoundation.org

Reuniting Family Bail Fund of Montgomery County

The bail fund exists to push back against the judges who impose bail on people presumed to be poor, black, suffering from addiction, homelessness and trauma that have no community and are unrepresented. The Reuniting Family Bail Fund is freeing people from prisons, physically/mentally and exposing the illegal/racist practices of the criminal, juvenile and dependency courts in Montgomery County.

This is a revolutionary practice for Montgomery County and we fight daily to ensure fairness, accountability and justice for our incarcerated loved ones and their families.

Website: www.bailfundmontco.org