Greater Philadelphia Black Philanthropic Network


There is an undeniable gap in resources between Black serving nonprofits and their peers. While there is a large push to uplift those groups, there is lack of support and resources for those Black grantmakers and donors who support and work to resource those organizations.


The Philadelphia Black Philanthropic Network was launched to provide a safe space where members, Black grantmakers and donors can safely build community and pour into themselves, while organizing to uplift organizations and initiatives that directly benefit Black people in the Greater Philadelphia Region.

Our Members:

  • Live and work in the Greater Philadelphia Metropolitan Area (Philadelphia five county region, southern New Jersey, northern Delaware)

  • Are Black-identified (Black, African, African American, Multiracial)

  • Work for a funding/grantmaking institution, philanthropy affiliate organization, or are individual donors that give $250 or more to nonprofit organizations.

  • Seek to participate in a supportive community of like-minded Black funders and philanthropy professionals

  • Want to grow their knowledge and network inorder to further their practice and support those in their community that identify as Black

The Council on Foundations defines funding and grantmaking institutions as:

Community Foundations:

Grantmaking public charities that are dedicated to improving the lives of people in a defined local geographic area. They bring together the financial resources of individuals, families and businesses to support effective nonprofits in their communities.

Grantmaking Public Charities:

Grantmaking organizations that include intermediary grantmakers, health-conversion foundations, and public charities that make grants and operate programs.

Private Grantmakers:

Private, independent, and family foundations, along with operating private foundations, grantmaking LLCs and private health-conversion foundations.

Corporate Grantmakers:

Corporate foundations and corporate giving programs funded by companies as separate legal entities

Member Benefits:

  • Safe Community Building

  • Free and discounted events

  • Book Club

  • Journal Club

  • Retreats

  • Networking

  • Learning opportunities and thought leadership

  • …and more based on member insights