Eligibility criteria
Recognizing that small nonprofits play a major role in serving Philadelphia’s most underserved individuals and communities, priority will be given to organizations that have an annual operating budget of less than $1 million.
Potential grantees must meet the following criteria:
Nonprofit 501(c)(3) status or be under the auspices of a fiscal sponsor that is a 501(c)(3)
Based in the Greater Philadelphia Region (Philadelphia, Delaware, Montgomery, Bucks Counties)
Operating for at least 2 years
Identify as Black-led and Black-serving
Proven commitment to unlearning anti-black racism, and sharing that knowledge broadly
Annual operating budget of less than $1 million*
*Please note: Organization cannot be a fundraising affiliate; must be fiscally sponsored.
grant application
The 2025 Black Liberation cycle will open in May.
*Please note: Nominations are the first step in the grant application process. Self-nominations are accepted.